We offer Tenant locator services for Ottawa and Gatineau areas.

Are you a busy professional? How valuable is your time? we offer tenant locator services so you can focus on running your business.

Our services and responsabilities

Provide a client help with market analysis to determine market rent range.
Advertise the property online at ottawagatineaurentals.com, OGR Facebook page, kijiji.com and padmapper.com and any other free-based classified websites.
Elaborate marketing material (ads) based on information provided by the client.
Show the property to prospective tenants.
Provide feedback from prospective tenants on property condition and price.
Collect and process rental application for prospective tenants.
Provide client results of the credit and background checks.
Provide prospective tenants contact information.
Draft Lease preparation (Ontario/Quebec) for client signature.
Property key delivery on Move-in day.
Move-In Property Inspection Report.
Move-In Smoke alarm Inspection Report (Battery replacement)
Collect signatures for final lease, both move-in inspection reports.
Collect 1st and Last month rent.
DVD with pictures or video of premises that support property inspections.
Deliver both hard copy and soft copy of all documents.
Provide final statement of services rendered.

The client agrees to pay the following fees:

Initial marketing package $240.00 + HST (2-Ads and posted on ottawagatineaurentals.com)
In addition, the client agrees to pay 50% of the first non-discounted month’s rent for properties leasing $2000 or above. 75% of the first non-discounted month’s rent for properties leasing between $1000-$1999 ranges. 100% of the first non-discounted month’s rent for properties leased less $1000
Any third-party cost associated to marketing the property on cost-based websites/online ads/special features will be charge to the client account at cost. The client will provide a budget in advance for such third-party services (if required).
Any credit checks and criminal background checks at nominal cost.


  • Non-Exclusive written agreement
Click here to download sample

Book a consultation by calling:

(613) 907-1534